Flame retardancy of inherent flame retardant fabric - YULONG SAFETY

Flame retardancy of inherent flame retardant fabric

Considerations of fabric flammability
Fabric flammability is an important issue to consider, especially for fabrics that will be used in public places (such as schools, theaters or special event venues), because the federal regulations require fabrics used in these places to be certified as flame retardants .
Although all fabrics burn, some fabrics are naturally more resistant to fire than others. Those more flammable products can be treated with flame-retardant chemicals to greatly improve their fire resistance.
Certain synthetic fibers have strong flame retardancy, including glass fibers and modified polyacrylonitrile. Other composites, including certain polyesters, ignite slowly and may even extinguish themselves. However, once synthetic fabrics are ignited, they will melt instead of flame. If in contact with the skin, the resulting substance can cause severe burns.
Natural fibers usually do not melt. Wool and silk burn slowly, are difficult to ignite, and may go out on their own. Using other untreated natural fabrics, such as cotton and linen, the fabric can ignite quickly, causing a fast-moving flame to spread. Fabrics containing a combination of natural and synthetic fibers, such as polyester-cotton blended fabrics, can be particularly troublesome because they combine the rapid ignition and flame spread of natural fibers and the melting aspects of synthetic fibers.
The fire and burning factors of fabric are also affected by fabric weight and fabric. Lightweight, loosely woven fabrics burn faster than heavier fabrics that are tightly woven. In addition, the flammability of the fabric is also affected by the texture of the fabric surface, and pile fabrics (such as velvet and velvet) are easier to ignite than fabrics with smooth surfaces.
Fabric flame retardancy

Inherent flame-retardant fabric and treated flame-retardant fabric
The good news is that the flammability of fabrics can be greatly reduced by using flame retardants. Many natural fibers, including cotton, can be locally treated with a chemical substance that reduces the flammability of the fabric to an almost incombustible level. During a fire, chemical substances react with the natural gas and tar produced by the fabric to convert the gas and tar into carbon coke, thereby greatly slowing the burning speed of the fabric.
Some polyester fabrics are considered inherently flame retardant. This is because the fabric is made of fiber, and its flame retardancy is directly established in the molecular structure of the fiber. Fabrics made with Trevira™ and Avora™ polyester fibers are considered inherent or inherent flame retardants.
Other synthetic fabrics can be considered durable flame retardants, flame retardants or non-flame retardants. "Durable flame retardant" refers to the method of chemically treating polyester with non-water-soluble chemicals during the manufacturing process. In other cases, synthetic fabrics can be locally treated with chemicals after the manufacturing process (in the same way as natural fibers such as cotton), or they can be untreated (or unprocessable) and therefore considered non-flame retardant .
When the fabric is designated as "inherently flame-retardant", "intrinsically flame-retardant" or "long-lasting flame-retardant", the flame retardancy will last the life of the fabric. The fabric can be washed or dry cleaned according to the curtain manufacturer's recommendations.
In the case of fabrics called "flame retardants", which have been locally treated with chemicals, the flame retardancy of the fabric will dissipate over time, especially when repeated cleaning. These fabrics must be dry cleaned with non-liquid detergents.
One of the five common misconceptions about flame retardancy is that it is always good. Generally, the flame retardancy of partially treated fabrics is certified for one year, but the actual length of time the treatment remains effective will vary depending on the number of times the fabric is dried and the environmental conditions in it. Use fabric. It is recommended to retest the partially treated fabrics every year to ensure flame retardancy, and re-treat by qualified professionals as needed.