1. Arc flash protective clothing is a protective clothing for protecting the trunk, arms and legs of people exposed to electric arc and associated high temperature hazards.
2, Arc flash protective clothing can be connected or split design.
3, The textile materials used for arc flash protective clothing should meet the requirements of GB 18401-2003, so as to ensure the health and safety of the human body in the long wearing process.
4, The arc flash protective clothing should give consideration to the comfort, and adopt loose design to ensure the protection performance.
5. Metal components are strictly prohibited in the arc flash protective clothing.
6, Arc flash protective clothing should cover the bare parts of the body as far as possible. The cover part of the split design should be not less than 150mm.
7. Arc flash protective clothing should identify the lower values of the ATPV and EBT of the fabric in the prominent parts.
8. According to the predicted arc energy, the protection level of arc flash protective clothing is shown in the table below.
10, The flame retardancy of the arc flash fabric: the flame retardant properties of the fabric are tested according to GB/T5455. In the process of testing, the fabric can not melt and melt the drop phenomenon, the carbon length can not be greater than 150mm, and the continuous ignition time is not more than 2S.
11, The high temperature stability performance of the arc flash protective fabric: the thermal stability of the single layer or multi layer fabric according to the heat stability of the fabric and the auxiliary materials at high temperature according to GA 10-2002 appendix A, the shrinkage of the fabric is not more than 10%.
12, Arc flash protective fabric washing size stability performance: fabric washing size stability performance requirements according to GB8630-2001 test, washing method according to GB 8629-2003 "textile washing and drying size changes after the measurement of size change" method for washing and drying, fabric, the meridional and zonal shrinkage rate is not more than 5%.
13. According to the highest grade IV level, the level of damage is protected. Therefore, the arc flash protective clothing provides grade IV protective clothing.