There are millions effective suboriferous in human skin, forehead, armpit, front chest, back and palm perspires much; So these parts in the shirt, T-shirt we wore in Summer always appear the phenomenon of fading. The composition of human sweat is complex, the main component is salt, vary with each individual, some acidic sweat, some alkaline sweat. Textiles and sweat brief contact may not affect its color fastness, but for a long time close to the skin and contact with sweat, it will have a greater effect on certain dyes. Unqualified color fastness clothing easily transfer the dyes from the textile to human skin through sweat, the dye molecules and heavy metal ions are likely to be absorbed through the skin and hurt the health.
For the customer’s health, state compulsory standard GB 18401-2010 "National Fundamental Safety Technical Standard For Textiles", the requirement to the perspiration colorfastness of kind A production (infant textile) is more than level 3-4, requirements of kind B production (with direct contact to skin.) and kind C product( without direct contact to skin) is more than level 3( colorfastness to perspiration has 5 levels, the higher the level, the better the colorfastness).
Some textiles are acid proof, some not, the test for perspiration fastness is to use different artificial sweat to simulates the human body sweat to test the textile.