What are The Technical Indicators of Anti Bacterial Fabric? - YULONG SAFETY

What are The Technical Indicators of Anti Bacterial Fabric?

anti bacterial fabric

At present, the standard of anti bacterial test are American Standard, GB(Chinese standard) and other different standards, mainly divided into two categories, one is to monitor specific values, such as anti bacterial rate of 99.9%; the other is issued on the logarithmic value, such as the value of 2.2,3.8 and so on. Usually the value more than 2.2 is the detection of qualified. Detection of bacteria are: Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Klebsiella pneumoniae, fungal like Candida albicans and so on.

Main standards are:AATCC100,AATCC147(American standard)

1.AATCC100 is a textile anti bacterial property test (qualitative), this standard is strict, 24-hour evaluation of the results are assessed by the rate of bacteria reduction, similar to sterilization standards. While the detection method of Japanese standard and European standard is basically anti bacterial test, that is,the assessment that the bacteria does not increase or weak reduction after 24 hours.

2.AATCC147 is an evaluation method for the anti microbial properties of textile materials. This method requires a number of steps, which have sufficient sensitivity, but for conventional quality control and screening tests, these steps are more difficult to handle and time consuming.

Chinese standard:GB/T 20944,FZ/T73023;Japanese Standard:JISL 1902;European standard:ISO 20743.

Anti bacterial fabric produced by Yulong Textile can be superposed with flame retardant, anti-static, anti-oil and water and other functions, and its anti bacterial properties can be achieved AATCC100, AATCC147 and other standards.